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What is The Pre-Completion Inspection Checklist?The pre completion inspection checklist has been approved by a construction industry-wide focus group in partnership with the New Homes Quality Board (NHQB). The checklist to be recreated in an electronic or digital format. But any such change should not depart from the checks specified in the list. NHQB state it is the only checklist that should be used by suitably qualified inspectors. completion inspection checklist has been approved by a construction industry-wide focus group in partnership with the New Homes Quality Board (NHQB). The checklist to be recreated in an electronic or digital format. But any such change should not depart from the checks specified in the list. NHQB state it is the only checklist that should be used by suitably qualified inspectors. The pre completion inspection checklist has been approved by a construction industry-wide focus group in partnership with the New Homes Quality Board (NHQB). The checklist to be recreated in an electronic or digital format. But any such change should not depart from the checks specified in the list. NHQB state it is the only checklist that should be used by suitably qualified inspectors. To be considered a suitably qualified inspector you must meet the following criteria: Be a member of a recognized professional association experienced in surveying residential properties (e.g., RICS, RPSA, etc.) Hold relevant and adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance Only work within their competency Use the agreed checklist for the inspection. The snags found during the Pre-Completion Inspection must be covered and resolved quickly by the After-Sales Service Team. Once the snags have been raised the After-Sales Service process must be acknowledged promptly. In most situations it is expected that a Developer should fix any snags and other after sales issues within thirty calendar days. However, there can of course be legitimate reasons for substantial delays. For example, a particularly long lead time for replacement items. In any case this delay must be reasonable and explained with an agreed resolution date. No less than monthly updates should be provided until all matters are resolved. If you are unhappy with the customer service, you have received by the After-Sales Service Team you can make a complaint under the formal
What is snagging?Snagging is a term used when undertaking an inspection of a property, both internal and external. The defects or 'snags' found within the property can vary from minor defects like untidy finish to decoration, damage to paintwork and walls or small unfinished jobs throughout the property or garden / landscapes. Or In some cases, there may be more major snags like cracks in work surfaces or poorly fitted kitchens, appliances and flooring, sealant missing in wet rooms causing damp issues, missing insulation to cavity walls and loft, loose slabs to footpath / patio areas etc...
What is a snagging list?A snagging list is a list put together of all the ‘snags’ found. When moving into your new home we at Smart Home Inspections & Clerk of Works Consultants (SHICWC) can compile a document called a ‘snagging list’, which can then be used to negotiate with the developer to get them to complete the work. Our inspectors at SHICWC have an exceptional eye for detail and are very knowledgeable within the industry to help give you peace of mind and a stress-free service to help get you the quality home you deserve.
When should I have my snagging Inspection?We offer post completion inspections and we advise to have your inspection done sooner rather than later. Most new builders require your list within the first 7 / 14 days, as any snags found with glass, windows / doors, damage to kitchen units etc... usually need reporting within the first 7 / 14 days of completion, but this varies with each developer so please check the T&C’s with your developer in regards to their aftercare policy.
What is included in the snagging inspection?Our inspection from SHICWC will include a full and through internal and external inspection checking your new home. This includes a visual roof and loft inspection including any associated outbuildings i.e. garage. We offer additional services providing Heat Loss and Heat Efficiency inspections. We offer a full roof inspection were we use our drone to do a thorough inspection.
How long does it take for a snagging inspection to complete?A Minimum time 4 hours, depending on size of property and the services you require. The bigger the property the longer it usually takes, the more issues found (regardless of size) the longer the inspection takes. We provide ourselves in the service we provide, we don't rush through to provide a timeframe of completion. We at SHICWC don’t like to set a time on our inspections as every property is different, we have had inspectors up to 7-8 hours doing one inspection, to ensure your home is fully inspected to give you get the best service possible and the list we compile gives you the top-quality home you deserve.
When will I receive my snagging report?You will receive your full detailed photographic snagging report within 2 days of your inspection being completed, and only when any outstanding monies have been cleared. if Reports will be PDF format and emailed to your chosen email address. It is the customers responsibility to ensure payment is received in order for their report(s) to be released. Payment details will be advised after booking is confirmed. Paper copies of your report are an additional £25 per copy.
Do you liaise with the developer once the inspection is complete?Developers tend to only want to deal with the homeowner, however we are here to privisw our support to you the customer .Once you receive our detailed comprehensive report you should present it to your developer without delay so that works can be started to rectify the snag issues we find in your new home. Especially any defects that could cause bigger issues if left unresolved and/or present any health and safety risk in and around your new home.

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